This is a simple sliding image with caption. You can have more than one caption and decide the layout of the caption via css.
Here you can see two captions.
The first are loaded immediately before than the second one
You can also display videos, but it requires a "fake image"... read the documentation please



Welcome to "Kyoto Culture Co.,Ltd."

Our Business:

「Kyoto Culture Company」 play an important role as media production related to TV News Coverage, researching, coordinating, shooting and Licensing etc. We are professional for Media production in Japan.
We are located in central Kyoto. Our staff lives in Kyoto and feels a lot of historical and cultural aspects of Kyoto.




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18 Murasakino Unrinin-cho,kita-ku,Kyoto-city,Japan
Kyoto-Shiryoku-Center-Bld. 7F [TEL] +81(0)75 703 0300